He's still all the things I wrote about, but I am way too interested in him and rapidly losing perspective. You know what happens when I lose perspective? I make the wrong decisions.
And as a side note, I think the man is way too interested in sleeping on my delightfully firm yet soft mattress. Yes, I'm being used for a good night's sleep.
I'm joking.
We have not kissed since the talk. But there's still a lot of flirting and a lot of hugging.
Who knows. Not where my focus should be anyway. I wish I could just check my libido like a coat at the coat check and come back and pick it up 60 lbs later.

Monday, May 4
Life Fitness Treadmill
Standing heart rate: 73
AVERAGE heart rate: 144
Max heart rate: 161
Workout mode: CARDIO set at 153 HR @ 2.8 mph
Calories: 590 Distance: 2.06 Time: 50:00
Note: Really pushed it and really felt sick afterward.
Sunday, May 3
Life Fitness Treadmill
Standing heart rate: 73
AVERAGE heart rate: 137
Max heart rate: 159
Workout mode: CARDIO set at 155 HR @ 2.8 mph
Calories: 218 Distance: 0.72 Time: 20:00
Note: Could not even make it to 30 minutes. :(
Is he at least impressed by your dedication to getting healthy? Because I sure am!
Wow! What a difference from the May 3rd workout to the May 4th one. But your still kicking ass!!
I stood on the scale today and nothing has changed. I just can't decide if that's good or bad. I haven't worked out all all since the wedding, so I guess it's a good thing.
Keep moving forward darlin!
You never fail to crack me up. LOL @ checking the libido at the door!
I've got to send you an e-mail about the Jersey boys I met... oh..what..a...night.
Mr. Listener is quite the athlete is he now? ;)
Thinking of you this morning. Hope you have a great day today. Make the choices that will get you healthy. You're worth it. Thin is safe. Looking forward to your update.
I also wanted to send you some distance Reiki today. Will be doing a session on myself and will include you. Probably around 10:30-11:30am EST. :)
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