Ewan "Scottish Deliciousness" MacGregor = Hottest Catholic Priest since Thornbirds
Mr Listener = unimportant
Men Chatting Me Up = 2
Potential Boyfriend Material = 0
Dearest Body,
I've been reading the GM book, and I can't get beyond a spot without your help because I'm stuck.
The book states:
"It's important to come to a point where you feel you're comfortable with your body exactly as it is right now....As contrary as this may sound, rather than being dissatisfied and impatient with your weight, try being comfortable with yourself exactly as you are right now....
"This is just another example of how accepting your negative aspects causes them to disappear. It's remarkable how effective this technique really is....If you feel you're not all right exactly as you are and that you had better lose weight quickly...you're effectively starving for self-esteem and self-acceptance...." (page 54, The Gabriel Method)
Guess what, today I've decided. Yes, I could be comfortable at this weight, this size, the rest of my life.
260 lbs
size 22 pants
size 18/20 shirts
size 8 shoe
size 44C bra
Yes, I accept being this weight. I also accept not gaining more than this weight. I accept working out 6 days a week, and being physically fit and healthy, even if I never lose another pound.
So dear body, I invite you to chill out. I invite you to relax, and stop thinking I need to be fat, stop fighting me, and stop messing with my metabolism. Because I don't need you to do any of that. And the sooner you realize that, the better off we're both going to be.
Trust me.

Wednesday, May 20
Life Fitness Treadmill
Standing heart rate: 77
AVERAGE heart rate: 145
Max heart rate: 164
Workout mode: RANDOM Level 18 @ 3.0 mph
Calories: 896 Distance: 2.86 Time: 65:00
Note: I wore a tank top to the gym. Bare flappy arms and all.
I think that is SUCH a great point. It's so hard to accept yourself as you are. But it's true, we need to. I'm going to have the same exact talk with myself as you. And if we lose weight (we will), then that's great too. :)
Teamwork sister!!!!
That's awesome. re:tank top.
You are farther ahead than me the GM. I ressurected the scale, and the thought of continuing to go to the gym without losing weight and this body stays the same, is WAY out of my level of acceptance. I'm not in a good place right now, the self loathing is really high. I'm going for my first visit with a psychologist today. It's been a long time coming, so that in itself is a step forward.
You inspire me. Love checking in with you each day. I choose to surround myself with positive role models. You're definitely one of them.
Yeah that's a tough one. Accepting our bodies how they are seem to go against everything we were ever told (by ourselves and others). I'm still working on accepting it.
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