I figure there's a 99% chance he won't show, based on his track record, but there's that 1% chance he might actually have changed as he claims. Why contact me after all those months? Who knows, maybe he's a master mindf@ker. Either way, it isn't as if I have anything else going on Friday night. It would just be me and the gym, as usual. And if he is a no-show, my gym plans can still go ahead as scheduled.
I'm feeling rather ambivalent about it. I told him this was his one shot, that's it. He blows it, he better not bother trying again. I know there are those of you who think I should do the same to him that he did to me...basically stand me up at the last minute several months ago, but I just don't have that vindictiveness inside me. Sometimes I wish I did.
I just want to have some fun, pure and simple.

Monday, May 25
Life Fitness Treadmill
Standing heart rate: 77
AVERAGE heart rate: 139
Max heart rate: 158
Workout mode: HILL mode level 18 @ 2.8 mph
Calories: 855 Distance: 2.78 Time: 65:00
Note: The owner of the gym called me one of his superstars. Ha. I wish. So what, I go there 6 days a week. If I were a superstar, I'd be seeing more results. I have no patience whatsoever. Right now I feel like I'm just going to the gym to fend off a heart attack or something critical like diabetes. Nothing wrong with that, but it would feel better to be dropping weight. Felt fine today, not at all weak like Sunday.
Sunday, May 24
Life Fitness Treadmill
Standing heart rate: 68
AVERAGE heart rate: 137
Max heart rate: 156
Workout mode: RANDOM mode level 18 @ 2.8 mph
Calories: 854 Distance: 2.73 Time: 65:00
Note: I thought I was going to faint after today's workout. I don't know why. I drank water all day. I ate two meals during the day. I can only blame it on the heat. I really don't like hot weather. How much longer until September?
I hope you have fun with PT guy. I hope he shows.
And you truly are a gym superstar. Don't discount it. You know you rock!
Oh God, no way. I don't think you should do the same to him that he did to you. You know what that feels like, and it's not cool at all. So I'm glad you wouldn't do that.
Congrats on the Tek jersey. I wasn't gonna say anything, but I tried to bid on it becuase I was going to get it and surprise you, but then I got outbid. Maybe that was by you though, lol. So that would be ok. It was a really cool jersey!
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