I am now tasked with nominating up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire me.
Hmmm. OK everyone that is linked on the right side under I Got My Eye on You is hereby tagged with winning this award. Because let's face it, I don't waste time. I wouldn't be following you if you did not allure, amuse, bewitch, impress, or inspire me!
I hope my new friend, self-proclaimed lurker will not be offended by the rest of this post. After all, Jersey girls are not ones to be messed with, and after all, I am a transplant.
Disclaimer: I am not a reality tv junkie. At all. In fact, I would say that I am whatever the opposite would be: a reality tv poo-poo-er perhaps? I just think that my time and entertainment is more valuable than that. I guess I'd rather waste the hour watching cuties in baseball uniforms.
Having said that....
O.M.G. New Jersey Housewives = HILARIOUS!
All I'm going to say is: "I love you, but you need bubbies..."
Evidence that money cannot buy class. Trashy TV, I think I love it. Take a look at the clip below (definitely worth coming on to the web site for, my beloved feedblitz fans).
First house I was going to rent in Jersey was in Franklin Lakes. Not kidding. I could have had the same zipcode as these women. Who knew. I think I'm glad I don't. It is bad enough I'm going to have to take the Princess of Sweden on a tour now.
(Reality: Thank God I have you as an excuse! When are you coming down Sweden!?)

Tuesday, May 12
Life Fitness Treadmill
Standing heart rate: 78
AVERAGE heart rate: 129
Max heart rate: 159
Workout mode: RANDOM Level 17 @ 2.8 mph
Calories: 610 Distance: 2.08 Time: 50:00
Lord. I hope I get the name right. Danielle (?) needs to steer clear of the plastic surgeons for a bit. From the quick glimpse I got of her anyway. Her face looks like she's in a wind tunnel.
Congrats on your award!
I CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH!!! I recorded it. It is going to be hilarious. And I thought Jill and Bethenny of the RH of NY were funny.
Can I just say, I am SO proud of you and your weight loss!! 20 pounds...wow you GO girl!! Way to not let a man derail you! I finally think I am back on the fit train. (how many times have you heard me say that? oh well :) ) But I got a trainer at the gym to give me a one day lesson - and get me started on a program. So now I am doing the weights circuit 2-3 times a week and the cardio circuit 5 times a week (bike, treadmill and rowing machine). He said I need to mix up my workouts because I have workout ADD and I get burnt out and that's why I don't keep it up for long periods of time. He's right, I'm really enjoying varying all my activity. It's almost dare I say, fun? Hmm, I might have to blog about this. Sorry if you have to read about it twice. Ha!!!
Good Lord, I wrote you novel. lol {{hugs}}
ARG! I can't get the video to play. It's probably operator error on my part. I'll just assume it's hilarious!
I admit to being a reality TV whore. It's not like I believe half of it. I love the sound effects, the editing..etc. It makes me laugh. It's trashy goodness.
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