Because every Friday night feels like the struggle of a lifetime. The loneliness is consuming, and I do everything and anything I can just to make it through to Saturday morning.
This song is for you...
If you've lost hope, feel despair, lost your path, or you just need an encouraging hug.
Yesterday is gone. Today is here. And tomorrow is a new day.
Don't give up. It takes awhile.

Friday, May 22
Life Fitness Treadmill
Standing heart rate: 68
AVERAGE heart rate: 130
Max heart rate: 148
Workout mode: RANDOM Level 18 @ 2.6 mph
Calories: 788 Distance: 2.50 Time: 65:00
Note: Having that chocolate martini at lunch really affected my workout 8 hours later! UGH! Also, arrived at gym at 10 PM. As I pull into the parking lot, I see 3 (thin) people sitting on a bench outside the 24-hour Dunkin Donuts that is right next to the gym (yes, and I've not gone in there once!). They're eating BaskinRobbins ice cream. *sigh* Will I ever not want that stuff? Will I ever be at goal when having an ice cream cone won't throw me off into carb craze? No sorry, fro-yo doesn't cut it. These thoughts make the lonely feelings even worse on a Friday night.
Accidents Can Happen
Don't give up, it takes a while
I have seen this look before
And it's alright
You're not alone
If you don't love this anymore
I hear that you've slipped again
I'm here 'cause I know you'll need a friend
And you know that accidents can happen
And it's okay,
We all fall off the wagon sometimes
It's not your whole life
It's only one day
You haven't thrown everything away.
Take some time and learn to breathe
And remember what it means
To feel alive
And to believe
Something more than what you see
I know there's a price for this
But some things in life you must resist
And you know that accidents can happen
And it's okay,
We all fall off the wagon sometimes
It's not your whole life
It's only one day
You haven't thrown everything away.
I hear that you've slipped again
I'm here 'cause I know you'll need a friend
And you know that accidents can happen
And it's okay,
We all fall off the wagon sometimes
It's not your whole life
It's only one day
You haven't thrown everything away.
You know that accidents can happen
And it's okay,
We all fall off the wagon sometimes
It's not your whole life
It's only one day
You haven't thrown everything away.
So don't give up
It takes a while.
-Sixx A.M.
I admire that you can get yourself to the gym at 10PM. I have such a hard time getting my ass up for any exercise. I have the Wii Fit and I can see it when I'm sitting on the couch, gathering dust.
I just joined WW at work. It's not bad because the meetings are right there every Tuesday at lunch, so I have no excuse for not attending.
So, you're a Bosox fan?? How did that happen??
Tonight's Springsteen concert is a sore subject with me. I blogged about it in February -
Great song. Thanks.:)
Today will be a better day.
I'm with Willow. Today will be better.
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