Losing Weight; Finding Men

"Never make someone a priority in your life when you are just their option."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Planning Ahead

It's Tuesday, and I've got nothing.

No enthusiasm for work at all.

  • Yes, lucky to have a job. Even one that demoralizes you daily.
  • Yes, lucky to have a place to live, so I can choke over that rent check every month. (Still no word from The SlumdogLords on renewal. I technically just gave my last month's rent. If I had to move, I couldn't afford it.)
  • Yes, lucky to be relatively healthy (just unable to lose weight).

Sometimes the things I feel lucky about are also the things that are weighing like an anchor around my neck. Anyway....moving on from glumville, shall we?

At my suggestion, Guitar guy from Chicago is going to get a room but not for the first night, because I think that is money he could otherwise spend on me foolish. His flight gets in at 11 pm, and that's if it is on time. I'm not going to make him pay for a room when technically it is the next day already. We discussed changing the flight but that doesn't make much sense either, given that it is already only 2 full days here.

Don't worry, have I mentioned I have 2 big shepherd dogs (Chad is 95 lbs and 6'1 on his hind legs)? And also Duncan is one hell of a ninja cat? Seriously. I'm really not worried. I know how to hold the cat out with his claws showing self defense. And I'm going with my gut instinct here. And I'll be in regular communication with my close friends so they can keep tabs on me. Promise.

Our loosely weather-permitting itinerary is:

Statute of Liberty (his request)
The Sands Casino (my idea since he likes Vegas)
Dinner at Il Capriccio (live piano music)
Holstein's Ice Cream Parlor (some of you may recall this place; warning, the link contains mega food porn; one of the only places left that knows how to make a MALTED shake and the famous Jersey/New York egg creams)

And we'll leave the rest up in the air. Maybe a trip into the city. Maybe a drive to the Delaware River.

I am trying for my own mini Bachelorette show here.

Who wants to be the overprotective friend with all the questions to grill?

Who wants to be the host, Chris, who has to remind me how I really feel at the end of it all?

Please....if my life EVER starts to resemble that manipulated suspended time TV show, you have my permission to kick me.


Girl in Carolina said...

I think this is great...I love that you are taking a chance! Because you never know. You might have the time of your life. Having said that, if you don't email, text, tweet or something while he's there, I'm calling the Po Pos. Just sayin. haha JK :) I can't wait to see how this goes! I also stress about the animal thing, because I have THREE cats. It's so embarrassing, I'm always worried about what they are going to think. I was so relieved when I brought Mr. P over because he was so sweet, and really liked them. He never made me feel bad about it. But oh well, the right man will feel this way too.

By the way, I do love Chris Harrison. Hate the crappy manipulated how, but love Chris. Don't know why! He's so snarky sometimes...and sexy...

Sarah said...

You guys are going to have so much fun!!!

you're like butter to me

Just a Lovable Party Girl

Just a Lovable Party Girl
Sagittarius is born to travel the world and move upwards and outwards. Naturally gregarious, they love the idea of meeting different people and understanding foreign cultures. There is also a desire to broaden the mind too, with the possibility of many Sagittarians being lifelong students. Their outlook is generally optimistic and there is a distinct lack of concern over the smaller, practical details. A great sense of humor and a lack of petty mindedness are Sagittarian qualities too. Sagittarius is open -- open-minded, open-hearted and generous, up to a point. They like to get value and will not be quite so impulsive with their cash but they do have a natural ability to get on with people from many varied walks of life. They have an innate sense of wanting to help others and give them a hand up the ladder and can be wonderful and exciting companions. Expect an honest answer when you ask a question and maybe some long philosophic discussions into the night. Jovial, optimistic, versatile, open-minded, philosophical, sincere, frank, visionary.