That leaves me with 128 workouts and 145 days left to do them. Definitely doable.
I thought at one point during the last workout when I took a big breath of air, that I could actually see my collarbone. But it could have been an illusion. I'm pretty good with those.
I tallied the last 10 workout numbers:
7,951 calories
25.04 miles
8 hours, 45 minutes
There is no movement on the scale, but I'm disciplining myself not to care. I'm only getting that number off the scale to punch it into the treadmill.
I have also begun to fantasize about owning a BowFlex Treadclimber. If you have one, have ever used one, or know someone who has, please share! I cannot do the elliptical machine, but I am thinking this just might work for me. Of course, this is such a dream because the price is ridiculous.

#10 / 138
Saturday, July 18
Life Fitness Treadmill
Standing heart rate: 77
Average heart rate: 136
Max heart rate: 154
Workout mode: RANDOM mode level 18@2.8 mph
Calories: 866 Distance: 2.73 Time: 65:00
NOTE: Eh. Lacklust effort and attitude. To be there at 10 pm on a Saturday night when I would rather have had my face in a pizza or against another pair of lips was more than somewhat upsetting.
I Ated It
mini luna bar
1 gallon water
1 mini kamut flaxseed blueberry muffin
12 ounces of unsweetened iced tea
chicken breast, peppers, onions, organic long grain brown rice, sweet brown rice, Wehani, Black Japonica and select wild rice
sodium-free trail mix
NOTE: I didn't eat much and I didn't eat enough. Just don't want anything that's in my house. Everything I want is highly refined, processed carbs. There is no "hunger," no rumbly of the tumbly as pooh would say; there's just this gaping emptiness. When Bella Swan describes having to hold her sides together to keep from coming apart over the loss of Edward in the 2nd book, I know very well that feeling. I am quite sure if I allow it to happen, this emptiness inside me would swallow me up.
Apparently not a good buy...
Sounds more ideal:
I do not know why I'm bothering to imagine this....the price tag is impossible.
Anyway. Ta-da.
I can't do the elliptical because I'm not coordinated enough. Blah!
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