at least it isn't going up...

Smoothie: Liquid egg whites, chocolate whey protein
FF greek yogurt, 1/2 cup guava juice
blueberries (superfood!)
salt-free sierra nut mix
I didn't make it to the gym. I will blame it on the rain. Instead I slept another 14 hours and watched the movie Breaking and Entering. There's something about Jude Law that I equally cannot stand and cannot resist. I'm quite sure he's a manbearpig though.Well Dutch, that's the name Sweden gave him and it suits perfectly (aka Jersey City Boy, click this link to read about our first date) has yet to call as he said he would via text, yet continues to text message me good morning today. I won't go out with him if he's not going to pay. Just going to have to be upfront about it. Thanks for all your support.
By the way, happy Friday!!! The Virtual Vent is open 24/7/365 and taking your drink orders....Ventis, Lattes, LITs, Bloody Mary's....
In other news, I have a date tonight, yippee! Finally a Friday night date! That alone is amazing news!
I will meet Mr CNA, who does Ta'Chi, plays the guitar, and has a 165 lb mastiff. Conversations should be entertaining to say the least; with the man, not the dog. He's already made it crystal clear that it is a "date date" and he fully expects to pay. Hmmm, baby boomer men at least know the right way to start off a date.
And guess where he wants to go? The Melting Pot. He's reserved a booth in what they call Romantic Alley.
OMG, I'm not going to eat for the rest of the day!
Fondue anyone?!
Fondue anyone?!

I have never been, but boy do I want to go. I'm equal parts jealous of and happy for you. heehee
Have fun - talk to you later.
Do you want game updates tonight while your on your date - lol?!?!?!
That's my Soxy friend, always looking out for me! Love ya!
#1 I now have Milli Vanilli in my head. Thanks so much for that (blame it on the rain)
#2 I feel the same way about Jude Law. Repulsive and seductive at the same time.
#3 I love the melting pot! So much fun!
Have lots of fun! I can't wait to hear all about it! :)
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