My Crackberry is dead. Completely, utterly dead.
I am going into serious withdrawal.
Not to mention how I'm ever going to wake up.
This totally overshadows the fact that I have a date tomorrow night.
Of course, this is my own fault. I should have put it down when I picked up the dog water bowl.
Yes this is pathetic that I'm so upset. People died today in a DC Metro accident. People died around the world for horrible horrible reasons. And all I can think about is all the phone numbers I don't know.
How many days will I have to go without it before the replacement arrives?

Monday, June 22
Life Fitness Treadmill
Standing heart rate: 85
Average heart rate: 134
Max heart rate: 156
Workout mode: RANDOM mode level 19 @ 3.0 mph
Calories: 897 Distance: 2.71 Time: 65:00
I would be so lost without mine. Makes me want to back up all my info right this second.
Hope the replacement comes very soon!
yanno I do not know anyones phone numbers anymore not even my childrens I would be LOST without my cell!!!!
I hope you get a replacement soon
A moment of silence please. RIP Crackberry.
I feel your pain.
Re: Dogs in the hotel room...
Yeah, we weren’t supposed to leave the dogs alone in the room. I even had to sign a paper to that effect. But we just closed the drapes so they couldn’t see out (so they couldn’t see anything to bark at) and no one could see into the room. They were really very quiet, so no one even knew they are alone.
Buster by himself is very quiet…hub and I have left him alone in a hotel, then snuck up and knocked on the door and rattled the windows to see what he’d do. Nothing. I think his barking is all just to let “Mom & Dad” know that something is going on. By himself, he’s probably a bit intimidated, so is even more quiet.
I'm crying for you. Gnashing of teeth and everything. Please tell me the replacement has arrived. I think this is my worst nightmare. Addiction is not funny.
I gave mine up and downgraded and I am STILL having withdrawels. Sniff. I miss it so!
Don't you feel free ?
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