The tulips are gorgeous and standing tall now with a penny in the water. The pasta made enough food for probably 10 people and it is sitting quite nicely in my refrigerator. Last year I would have consumed the entire amount in one night. So, there is some progress in my mental approach.

We've got some light snow but nothing significant here in Jersey. Below is a gift from one of my sisters, I think it is so cool because I was staring at this for a while in the store trying to talk myself out of buying it. My sister doesn't really know me that well, so how cool is it that she bought it for me?

In other news, I have been trying to decide whether I'm going to Ireland or Italy this year. And I asked my family to vote, just out of curiosity. You can vote too, if you'd like. Italy won hands down. I also got one vote for New Zealand and one vote for England. Now it is just a question of where in Italy and can I actually afford to go? (Ireland will have to be the cheaper back-up I guess.) We'll see what the tax return is like. I was originally thinking September which would allow me time to save as much as possible, but I always forget that is also when my lease is up on the rental. So now I don't know what timeframe to think. I absolutely dread the summer temperatures, so I'd either have to go in the springtime or wait until October but I know well enough that if I have to move, I won't be able to also go on vacation - that would be too much time off work in a two-month span of time. Oh well, I should be lucky to have such things to think about.
Saw Marley & Me. Sobbed in the theater. Everyone (and I mean everyone) was crying in the packed movie, but I was actually taking gasps of air and sobbing as silently as I could. Can't recall a time when I cried like that in public. I miss my Sena girl so much.
hey girl, i just wanted to say happy new year! Hope all is well!
I love all the pictures you always post.
I read the book "Marley & Me" and cried like a baby at the end. I don't know if I could handle the movie.
I vote for Italy (if you can afford it); otherwise, Ireland. I'd take either one!
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