Technically, I don't have a "do" list as I can "do" anyone I want. Neener, neener, neener. Ah, the wonders of divorce (yes, 11 years ago!). Anyway, I cannot list these men in any particular order of bangability for me. They simply are...
(Pppssst, you droolin' fools, the photos are clickable for enlargability, and yes, I'm making up words today. I can do that, I'm an editor.)

William Bradley He had me long ago at "Well I may be an outlaw, darlin', but you're the one stealing my heart. "
(Aw, screw it, I'll take Jen too. And Angie could watch for all I care.)

Josh Holloway Any deserted island, any day.

Jason Varitek Do I need to explain? I couldn't find a photo of his best ass-et!

Tim McGraw But he has to keep his hat on.

Bruce Springsteen Honestly, I don't think I could do the deed with this man because I revere him too much. I could only hope a kiss from his lips would inspire me for a lifetime. Anyone who writes these lyrics is a sexy, romantic soul of a man:
"That thunder in your heart
At night when you're kneeling in the dark
It says you're never gonna leave her
But there's this angel in her eyes
That tells such desperate lies
And all you want to do is believe her
And tonight you'll try just one more time
To leave it all behind and to break on through
Oh she can take you, but if she wants to break you
She's gonna find out that ain't so easy to do
And no matter where you sleep tonight
or how far you run
Oh-o she's the one, she's the one
Oh-o and just one kiss
She'd fill them long summer nights
With her tenderness
that secret pact you made
Back when her love could save you from the bitterness"

Keifer Sutherland One of the real, sexy vampires of the 80s. Absolute party animal. And the man knows how to use a gun. Mmmm hot.

Matt Dillon What can I say, I'm a child of the 80s!

Colin Farrell I could probably climax just from his voice in my ear.
Just sayin.
LMAO @ Tim McGraw but he has to keep his hat on.
Thanks for posting the pics with the option for enlargability solely for my viewing pleasure.
I know we agreed on snow exchange... how would you feel about -31 degree weather?
The one of Jason stretching backwards is the one I could NOT get to copy for some reason. I was gonna draw an arrow on the "proper" (or inproper) spot and write "insert Deb here" under it.
Love your choices. And I'm with you on the climax with just a word thought. I had to break way too much doing my list. Heh!
I love Jack Bauer...and that pic of Keifer as a vampire is amazing. He can bite my neck anytime.
I wouldn't call these ancient at all. I consider myself to be quite a fan of Colin and Matt Dillon.
And I would strip on the spot for George Clooney.
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