"O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up--for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!"
-Walt Whitman

"Jason Varitek has played in 1,330 games in his career, compiling a .263 average with 161 homers and 654 RBIs. He was a Gold Glove winner in 2005 and has been an All-Star three times. He has caught more games (1,274) than any player in Red Sox history, influencing countless pitchers along the way. In fact, he is the only catcher in Major League history to be on the receiving end of four no-hitters. He's been with the Red Sox for 12 years."

Tek remains our Red Sox catcher and Captain for at least one more year. Much disgruntlement seems present among the parties involved, but I know as much as he may have a bruised ego he has a heart and soul for the game of baseball. And for the pisshead fans who got it in their heads that he's dead weight and needs to ship out: If those stats above don't impress you, then you have no passion for the game. Go fuck yourselves. After all, this man didn't just bruise his elbow, making a dedicated play one year I'll never forget, he shattered it.

Anyway. Soxy Deb and I are breathing easier now, aren't we? Ya-hoooo. Bring on the season! It is one of the only good things about summer!
What are you talking about??!! I never doubted it for a minute!
yeah right.....
More baseball? You're so cute
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