No flowers yet. Actually, I'm not sure I deserve them. The money was indeed for a combination of going to the gym and pounds lost, but I failed to meet my goal so I don't know.
I met "thank you for the dog advice" guy last night. At a diner, because when I said I didn't have a preference for where we ate, he said he wanted breakfast. Then we get there and I order a Belgian waffle, which I've craved for more than a week, and he orders a burger. Anyway. I had my carbs I didn't care!
It was much more of a date in his mind than it was in mine. And for good reason I think. He's not yet divorced and separated by several states from his two young boys. He has not even begun to put closure on a very emotional situation in his life. House is still in his name, she's threatening him with legal issues, he's threatening her with legal issues. Blah, blah, blah. That should be enough right? Well, the guy is really nice. And really into me, although I am quite sure just for some fun. But believe it or not, what I'm hung up on about isn't any of that.
I'm disturbed that the guy is like twice the size smaller than I am. And he's into me. I know, there are guys out there who "like a woman with some meat on her bones." Well, I could feed a small army with the meat on my bones and he could hide inside my carcass.
*sigh* He called after we parted last night, with a kiss, by the way, and asked if he could see me again tonight. When I asked him when and what are we doing, he was vague. I'm thinking he's expecting an invitation to my house. I mentioned the weather might be icy tonight and so he suggested we see how things are in the afternoon before making plans. I'm thinking I'll have to tell him tonight about my reservations.
There's no point in settling. But it sure would be nice to have a friend in Jersey, dammit.
Losing Weight; Finding Men
"Never make someone a priority in your life when you are just their option."
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
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you're like butter to me
Look Who's Blogging
Just a Lovable Party Girl

Sagittarius is born to travel the world and move upwards and outwards. Naturally gregarious, they love the idea of meeting different people and understanding foreign cultures. There is also a desire to broaden the mind too, with the possibility of many Sagittarians being lifelong students. Their outlook is generally optimistic and there is a distinct lack of concern over the smaller, practical details. A great sense of humor and a lack of petty mindedness are Sagittarian qualities too. Sagittarius is open -- open-minded, open-hearted and generous, up to a point. They like to get value and will not be quite so impulsive with their cash but they do have a natural ability to get on with people from many varied walks of life. They have an innate sense of wanting to help others and give them a hand up the ladder and can be wonderful and exciting companions. Expect an honest answer when you ask a question and maybe some long philosophic discussions into the night. Jovial, optimistic, versatile, open-minded, philosophical, sincere, frank, visionary.
Don't settle. I know sometimes it seems like the lesser of two evils, but don't settle. #1 sounds like he's got way too much drama. #2 I totally get the size thing. I know it seems hypocritical, but being around a man that small makes me feel even bigger. And I don't need anything else to make me feel bigger.
My separated-at-birth-friend,
Why oh why do we think the same way?
I just met a dude too. I was totally infatuated with him, we've been chatting for 2 weeks straight for hours and hours. Met on Sat (valentines day)had coffee for 4 hrs. The vibe was great, non-stop convo etc. It felt as if it was guaranteed that we'd see eachother soon. No dice. No contact since. I logged in to my online dating account last night and he was on=( Oh well!
I sort of feel like because I'm under construction per se, that maybe I should step away from dating in the interim.
My words of wisdom say to follow your intuition with this one.
Well, at least this one treated you nicely. However, I agree with Sarah. The guy still has too much going on in his personal life to be available for a relationship. As for the size thing...I get that too. Hubby #1 was very slight of build. When we first met, I was pretty skinny due to my eating disorder, but in truth it just made my ED worse. In my mind I was terrified to gain weight to the point that I might weigh more than he did. So I can relate.
I personally have found I prefer a man that makes me feel petite, which is pretty difficult considering I'm almost 5'10". Even though hubby #2 is shorter than me, he outweighs me by quite a bit, and that's just fine with me. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just that it's a personal preference, and successful relationships are made up of all those little idiosyncratic preferences.
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