I want a work life that is not chaotic. I guess that is too much to ask when some people do not even have jobs.

Serenity now, George!
So here I am, rambling away. I could use a nap. I'm on my 5th type of medicine. One large bottle of Robitussin DM - didn't work. One entire package of Sudafed Complete 24 Hr - didn't work. One entire package of Alka Seltzer Mucus and Congestion - didn't work. However, now for the most part I am better, thanks to a fabulous Alka Seltzer Sinus and Muscinex cocktail. Cheers! Side effect: nose so dry it bleeds. Ah well.
I keep closing my eyes and falling asleep while awake. LOL Hmmm. Good thing the hotel isn't far from the plant.
Love that my boys took the first game from the Angels. Especially with Jon Lester on the mound!

My Chemistry_Not.com profile has been quieter than top secret CIA files. Go figure. Every time I see one of their TV commercials I laugh. What a joke.
So let me ask you all, what do you do when a man you know is depressed? I'm not sure I've ever really had to deal with a depressed man. I guess you just stand back and let him work it out? Not exactly like I can push some meds down his throat or shine some sunshine up his ass.
Seattle is depressed. But he's acting like a bit of a spoiled brat. Is that a Libra trait? His laptop is busted and he can't afford to fix it. He said his 30th birthday was lousy and he doesn't want to talk about it. Looks like our October rendezvous is postponed (my unexpected business trip, his financial woes) to December. My birthday. Well, I can think of less enjoyable ways to celebrate turning 39. We'll see. I guess it is nice to think about if nothing else. But I wanted more than something nice to think about, if you know what I mean.
I want, I want, I want. Yeesh, I bettah shudduppppp!
There's not much you can do for him hon. If he's depressed just listen when he needs to talk and try not to be too pushy. He'll come around, but if he doesn't he may want to talk to someone.
How bout them Red Sox!!!!????
Ok, gotta go make a martini! or a tequila shot (lol) Later!!
Yea, Mr. P has been a little moody lately too. Ergh. Men and their damn moods. They don't have to have babies, they don't have periods, they don't have cramps, they don't have to go to the gyno once a year.... what the hell is there to complain about?????
Somedays life just blows. Just sit by, watch it go on, and muddle through. Your guy will see that.
And don't we all want want want? Lol...
One thing I realized about comfort eating that I can recognize it before I actually put that food in my mouth. I often want to eat something bad when I am balancing my check book or when I get in a fight with someone. I have to think about it to justify it before I go and buy that chocolate peanutbutter cheesecake haha. Maybe stopping to determine why you want to eat it will help! But please don't beat yourself up when you do eat off plan. If this is a lifestyle change you have to consider that there will be stumbles but in the big scheme of things you ARE making progress to a more healthy YOU! You're fabulous lady :-)
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