Deb: 7 lbs
Butterfly: 5.8 lbs
Also, Ms Carolina, you are trying so hard to walk that balance beam. I applaud you for living life to the fullest and trying to do the right thing -- for you. I am itching to update this loss for you, so stop teasing and weigh-in will ya?
Carolina Girl: 3 lbs
Mom's birthday party was the bomb. The entire staff at PRIME steakhouse treated her like royalty. I could not have spent my winnings on a better evening. It is rare I see my mother smile, so really we painted a wonderful picture of memories.

Pictured here is the carmelized apple tart with Tahitian vanilla ice cream. Split three ways = bad but not too bad!
Awww, you made me blush - THANKS for the props!! Today I am wearing some jeans that I couldn't get buttoned a few short weeks ago, and a belt that hurt when I tried to buckle it a few short weeks ago. I feel amazing!!
I cant say enough that I am thrilled you are having such a wonderful visit with the fam. It makes my heart warm.
Happy Thanksgiving if I don't talk to you again b4 then!!!
Love you!!
Hee Hee I'm like the little bad kid that needs to be sent to detention every week for not doing my homework! LOL I'll get this train going eventually!
That sounds like such an awesome time with your mom! Glad you are enjoying it...and that dessert...mmmm! You are right, split 3 ways - not bad AT all!
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