Let me say that I love dogs. Besides stating the obvious, I need to say this because of the weekend I just survived. Four dogs are awesome. Four dogs make a pack. Four dogs is chaos canine style. Pure and simple. And did I mention I love dogs? In particular, I love these four dogs. My two and Sweden's two. There's isn't a thing in the world I wouldn't do for them. With all their personality quirks and special needs. But I am honestly not sure I could handle life on a regular daily (non-vacation status) basis with four dogs.
In other words, my weekend wore me out. But I had a lot of fun. But I'm wondering if it wore me out at age 39...what happens when I turn....39 again and again? Hopefully, I'll be fitter and fitter and I'll be able to last a bit...?
I didn't succumb to too much temptation this weekend: dessert on Friday night and a Belgian waffle with honey and walnuts on Sunday morning. But once my weekend entourage left, I felt consumed with the need to eat carbs. And I went shopping hungry. And I bought dreamfield pasta. And I ate one cupful. I'll live. It could've been much worse.
And now in the world of me & men...
Toll booth guy hasn't turned into tool booth guy yet, but he hasn't called either. I didn't have a particular deadline in mind, but now that I've thought about it, I suspect if he hasn't called before March 22, chances are he's just not that into me. Or he's busy breaking up with someone so he can spend the rest of his life with me.
But not one to wait around, I met up with a local OKCer last night. Locals (in Jersey that means it doesn't take you 40 minutes to get to each other's places) are rare, and I didn't want to miss out on this one. Mr Listener is a very solid friend potential, possible romance potential. We both identify as being intuitive, empathic, and seek to treat others in our lives with respect. Imagine that. We might be too alike. Although he is the wrong zodiac sign for me. His photo didn't do him justice. He has warm hazel eyes and he really looks at you and listens when you're speaking. He likes to take things slow. We agreed to meet for "a beverage" which is what I insisted on calling it because I don't drink coffee. Once we hugged hello, it was instantly obvious we would be staying for some food.
He asked, "Are you hungry? Let me buy you something to eat." Which took care of the who is going to pay issue right off the bat. Which is incredibly nice because I know already he's struggling with a less than preferred work situation.
I stared at the ordering menu in horror. Panera, my old friend you, how hath thou bread been? I heard myself ordering "One semolina loaf, one rye loaf, one wheat, one ......oh no that's just for me...." Hahaha. Actually almost everything on their menu has either basil or oregano in it so I played it safe with a salad with grilled chicken. It was ginormous. Enough salad for three people, easily. Which justified the price of $8.00. I wasn't all that thrilled with the vinaigrette dressing so I ate what I wanted and left a majority of it, at which point he asked me if it wasn't good. I said I was going to the gym later and didn't want to be indigesting salad dressing all night (which I was anyway). We talked straight up about exercise and he admitted he refuses to buy new clothes and wants to get back into his size. One size. OK, he can relate a little. I volunteered information about what I've lost so far and how I'm definitely in the midst of a recreation in progress. He seemed totally supportive. We talked about doing active things together, like bike riding. What a concept.
We hung out for 3 hours and it flew by. More time in the car talking, listening to music, and then more time on the phone after that. Definite solid friend potential. No kiss, but I didn't feel there had to be one so I wasn't upset.
Am I attracted to him? Sure, but I know myself well enough to know that right now I'd be attracted to anyone who showed me the least amount of attention. Including most likely a troll that lived under a bridge. Of which Mr Listener definitely is not. Still, I must be careful and respectful of myself and of him.
Monday March 16
Life Fitness Treadmill
Standing heart rate: 85
Workout heart rate: 110--155
Workout mode: Random, 30 mins level 11 at 2.6 mph
Workout mode: Random, 30 mins level 12 at 2.8 mph
Calories: 635 Distance: 2:73 Time: 65:00
Abdominal press 50 lbs 4 sets of 20
Notes: I'm getting a little bored with the random routine. I might try the Hills next.
Saturday March 14
Life Fitness Treadmill
Standing heart rate: forgot
Workout heart rate: 108--145
Workout mode: Random, 30 mins level 11 at 2.6 mph
Workout mode: Random, 30 mins level 12 at 2.8 mph
Calories: 664 Distance: 2:81 Time: 65:00
Abdominal press 50 lbs 4 sets of 20
Losing Weight; Finding Men
"Never make someone a priority in your life when you are just their option."
Monday, March 16, 2009
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you're like butter to me
Look Who's Blogging
Just a Lovable Party Girl

Sagittarius is born to travel the world and move upwards and outwards. Naturally gregarious, they love the idea of meeting different people and understanding foreign cultures. There is also a desire to broaden the mind too, with the possibility of many Sagittarians being lifelong students. Their outlook is generally optimistic and there is a distinct lack of concern over the smaller, practical details. A great sense of humor and a lack of petty mindedness are Sagittarian qualities too. Sagittarius is open -- open-minded, open-hearted and generous, up to a point. They like to get value and will not be quite so impulsive with their cash but they do have a natural ability to get on with people from many varied walks of life. They have an innate sense of wanting to help others and give them a hand up the ladder and can be wonderful and exciting companions. Expect an honest answer when you ask a question and maybe some long philosophic discussions into the night. Jovial, optimistic, versatile, open-minded, philosophical, sincere, frank, visionary.
Mr. Listener sounds really nice. I hope that we get to hear more about it and that it turns into something exciting.
I hate/love Hungry Shopping. So potentially disastrous and yet so instantly satisfying.
"..right now I'd be attracted to anyone who showed me the least amount of attention" Um. Yeah, that's totally me. I need to watch out for Trolls.
I'm dying to have a house someday with a big back yard so I can have dogs. Mind you, they would sleep in the bed with me and be spoiled rotten and lying on the couches with me. But I want a yard with a fence so they can run around as well. I love dogs so much. They make the world go round. As much as I love my cats, they just don't have the same companionship feeling as a dog does.
Mr. Listener sounds very sweet. I haven't been to Panera in forever. I am trying to do a semi-low carb diet right now. Panera would probably send me into orbit. GOOD for you on the salad choice!
sounds like Mr Listener was pretty great, maybe a hike with him will be the perfect change to the current workout routine.
Re: the dogs. I know what you mean. When I was babysitting for 2 extra high energy dogs, it wore me out. One is enough for me...plus B likes being an only dog.
I do hope that one of the gentlemen currently floating through your world turns out to be a keeper.
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