Yes, thanks T.o.M., for the parting gifts...grrr.

let's show them what we know you're made of.
As for me, I seem to be made up of fluffy smiley gooey insides. Good thing I'm not an MLB catcher. I can't wait to see Mr Listener tonight. Monsters vs Aliens 3D with a 4-year old...who would EVER think that I'd think that would be fun?! My friends are laughing their asses off right now. We'll see if I survive it!
Heading to Boston to see the boys of summer (thank you Soxy Deb)! And I'm bringing my winter clothes!
Heading to Boston to see the boys of summer (thank you Soxy Deb)! And I'm bringing my winter clothes!
Monday, April 6
Life Fitness Treadmill
Standing heart rate: 100
AVERAGE heart rate: don't know (forgot the blasted ePulse!)
Workout mode: RANDOM level 13 @ 3.0 mph
Calories: 676 Distance: 2.71 Time: 61:00
Note: Felt a little too aware of my heart rate since I didn't bring the ePulse. Isn't there a middle ground? I just want to enjoy my workout and have my workout be purposeful. I don't want to obsess, I just want to reap the benefit!
now see YOU would have been totally qualified to talk baseball on debs blog!!!!
TEK is a cutie tho
I wish I was as passionate about sports as you are. All the guys in town are just beyond depressed with our hockey team not making the playoffs and I'm like " ok, that's nice".
What's the scoop with Mr. hottt Listener?
How was the game??? Was this the game that rained out?! Crap if it was! I don't remember what game you got the tix for.
Tek's certainly holding his own. I'm glad to be back from vaca so I can actually watch the games now. Thank you MLB Extra innings package.
How was the movie? I wanted to see that with the ickle ones while we were on vaca but there was sooo much else to do. Maybe next weekend.
How's Mr. Listener? Anything new and exciting to report???
This pic makes me question my decision to ignore baseball. (This is baseball, right?)
Okay, we are all waiting...where have you been and what have you been doing????? Inquiring minds want to know! :)
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