Wow that's awesome. Down 7 lbs in 10 days. If that isn't evidence that carbs are NOT what my body needs, I don't know what is.
Today I am grateful for Protein shakes, L-glutamine, cooler weather, and my sweet dog and cat to cheer me up as I face another grueling day at the "office for kindergartners." The childish behavior that goes on where I work makes episodes of The Office look like a study in model behavior.
My beloved Sox may not be on the winning side of things these days, but at least I'm heading in the right direction on the scale, and they're the fighting dirtdogs who will take a day's rest and come right back roaring to go. They definitely inspire me because every day in baseball is a brand new day.
I was thinking I should put up one of those graphs that chart progress. I don't might be too much pressure for me to see it constantly. Yeeah no...not going to happen. Besides, I like to look back at my progress (even if you don't!).
Anyone ready for my update? Awww come on! It'll be fun, I promise. Get something good to drink, this one is silly as hell.
As for these two guys, well, not much. As soon as I answered one guy's "What is your guilty pleasure" question with "Coldstone is a delightfully sinful place," he dropped me from consideration, not kidding. I wonder what he was hoping my guilty pleasure was?? The other guy emailed me and told me he was a Yankee fan, but he liked the photo I had up of me in a Red Sox hat. Um k....let me offer a visual of my reaction:

That's the bumper of my vehicle. Yes. Not kidding. There are so many levels to this.
Anyway, so that leaves the latest rather amusing development. All in one evening, this guy went from expressing interest, to all of the guided communications, to open email. Hello, never had that happen. So, he's mysterious Mr X of NYC by way of (wait for it...) France. Ummmm k. I'm 99.9% certain his profile is fake (his photos don't look real), but as he's expressed interest, I thought I'd play along. New sport anyone? What would we call it? Online Dating PlayAlong? ODPA.
I can tell you that something does not feel right -- has the sweet innocent soul that once thrived within me become too jaded? Or am I just honing my instincts? I don't know. I'm almost certain that within a few days there will be some scam revealed. He's already written me one rambling email. I will communicate on an intellectual level about things he's expressed interest in (architecture, horses, dogs) and we'll see if he's really who he says he is. Don't worry, no one can scam me.
Well, except maybe Ocean's 11.

Mmmmmm Braaaaaaaad.....
Wow, you write so well!
Lovin' the schemes of the evil and less innocent out there, eh? They make me laugh.
Though I don't follow baseball (I barely follow hockey, and I"M a CANADIAN!) I love your bumper sticker!
Thanks for your words on my blog. I'll start following yours ASAP!
Stumbled across your blog after the comment you left on Carolyns... talk about delurking!
Congrats on the weight loss, that's an astonishing amount to lose in such a short period of time!
As per Mr man's inquiry on your "guilty pleasures", I believe he's expecting you to reply with a list of kinky activities & naughtiness. I don't think he's expecting a response along the lines of " chocolate & plates of french fries" LOL!!!
I treat online dating the same as I do as meeting someone in a bar. How would you react if a stranger approached you and asked you the same question? Pretty awkward!
I'll be following along on your journey. Congrats again!
diggin on the bumper sticker sister!! i went one further though and got a tatt. didn't wanna deface my car (LOL).
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