Losing Weight; Finding Men

"Never make someone a priority in your life when you are just their option."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What Happened in Vegas Part I

I have so much to tell you and no time to tell it.

I confess, I have been holding out on you all.

I got - married - in Vegas!!!!

Is anyone still breathing? My family shouldn't be surprised. After all, I got married before without telling them. This is par for the course.

Being a new wife is just exhausting.

Especially when you're Mrs. George Clooney...

(Damn instant-dress wouldn't latch and damn Chicago wouldn't wait until I grabbed it with my other hand....geesh, I'm wide but I'm not THAT wide! But good thing George loves me anyway!)

More fun to come! Wait for it!

Mrs George Clooney


Girl in Carolina said...


You totally had me, I'm serious. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S. said...

My eyebrows were definitely raised when I read that...but I was willing to roll with it! You could do worse than George. :-)

Sarah said...

I stopped breathing for just a second there. So funny!

Julie D said...

OMG, I spit coffee all over my monitor.

Dish, woman!

Quinnie said...

I don't recall giving my permission for that union! Last I checked he was mine. I call for an anullment. I call the Princess of Sweden as my first witness.

Mannie said...

I thought you were serious for a moment. If you were, you could always do a Britney.

Grace said...

To be honest, you scared the crap out of me. But when I looked at the picture, my first thought was "uhhh, I thought Chicago had blond hair."

Then I realized who was in the picture with you...George! He looks a little shell-shocked, so he must have also been swept up into the moment. LOL!

Can't wait for Part II!

MissMelisaMae said...

I've said it before but I'll say it again! Thanks for the laugh! You rock!

you're like butter to me

Just a Lovable Party Girl

Just a Lovable Party Girl
Sagittarius is born to travel the world and move upwards and outwards. Naturally gregarious, they love the idea of meeting different people and understanding foreign cultures. There is also a desire to broaden the mind too, with the possibility of many Sagittarians being lifelong students. Their outlook is generally optimistic and there is a distinct lack of concern over the smaller, practical details. A great sense of humor and a lack of petty mindedness are Sagittarian qualities too. Sagittarius is open -- open-minded, open-hearted and generous, up to a point. They like to get value and will not be quite so impulsive with their cash but they do have a natural ability to get on with people from many varied walks of life. They have an innate sense of wanting to help others and give them a hand up the ladder and can be wonderful and exciting companions. Expect an honest answer when you ask a question and maybe some long philosophic discussions into the night. Jovial, optimistic, versatile, open-minded, philosophical, sincere, frank, visionary.