Losing Weight; Finding Men

"Never make someone a priority in your life when you are just their option."

Sunday, March 30, 2008

New TLC Show

I do not know a thing about this show, but I'm going to be recording it and watching.

I Can Make You Thin

Considering I ate a bowl of popcorn for dinner, I will take all the advice I can get.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I was reading about him through another blog - and basically his idea of "training" you not to eat certain foods sounds kind of crazy - rub this, rub it counter clockwised, hop and dance, and blink your eyes (not really but that's what it sounds like) - it sounds kind of lame to me - I would have to print out the instruction sheet in order to do it - and then engrave it on me so I wouldn't lose it....lol. I love Joan Jett also - I hope you have a great time in Bermuda - don't keep beating yourself up - I know you can do it and get through it!

you're like butter to me

Just a Lovable Party Girl

Just a Lovable Party Girl
Sagittarius is born to travel the world and move upwards and outwards. Naturally gregarious, they love the idea of meeting different people and understanding foreign cultures. There is also a desire to broaden the mind too, with the possibility of many Sagittarians being lifelong students. Their outlook is generally optimistic and there is a distinct lack of concern over the smaller, practical details. A great sense of humor and a lack of petty mindedness are Sagittarian qualities too. Sagittarius is open -- open-minded, open-hearted and generous, up to a point. They like to get value and will not be quite so impulsive with their cash but they do have a natural ability to get on with people from many varied walks of life. They have an innate sense of wanting to help others and give them a hand up the ladder and can be wonderful and exciting companions. Expect an honest answer when you ask a question and maybe some long philosophic discussions into the night. Jovial, optimistic, versatile, open-minded, philosophical, sincere, frank, visionary.